

The Indonesian Surveyor Association (ISI) is a association prifession of survey and mapping which was founded in 1972. ISI has a role active in the development of  surveyor profession in Indonesia and supports the role of the surveyor profession in national development. Untill today,  more than 5400 surveyors have been members of ISI which has regional commissariat in 11 provinces throughout Indonesia. It will  increase every year.

ISI is the one and only profession of surveying and mapping in Indonesia which is a member of the Federation Internationale des Geometres (FIG) or Federation of Professional Surveyor Associations, and also the ASEAN Federation of Land Surveying and Geomatics (ASEAN FLAG) or Professional Association Federation Southeast Asian level surveyor. Routinely, ISI continues to actively participate in regional and international levels.

According to ISI’s vision “Towards Competent, Professional and Solutive Surveyors”, since 2017  ISI has formed a Professional Certification Institution (LSP) accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN), licensed by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), and also a partner of Construction Services Development Agency (LPJK). LSP is a part of ISI’s efforts to create competent human resources in survey and mapping sides. ISI hopes for the creation of One Certificate Policy, where a surveyor professional certificate can apply to all Ministries / Institutions.




  • Mindset for users of Mapping that ISI is the one and only container for PROFESSIONAL SURVEY & MAPPING
  • ISI as an INDEPENDENT organization
  • ISI is a PROFESSIONAL SURVEY & MAPPING organization in the real sense
  • Management of ISI Organizations capable of running all work programs
  • The ISI office is a PROFESSIONAL SURVEY & MAPPING Training Center
  • ISI certification becomes a reference for PROFESSIONAL SURVEY & MAPPING competencies
  • Make young generation (fresh greduate) becoming a member of the ISI is one of the goals
  • Actively managing Personnal skill which is become an extension of the SURVEY & MAPPING Expert
  • Active in regional, international mapping professional meeting forums and user meeting forums SURVEY & MAPPING
  • ISI Magazine is a source of news on PROFESSIONAL SURVEY & MAPPING progress